How to come out to a lesbian mom?

2012-05-20 12:34 am
I'm a pansexual girl and I'm out to my friends and classmates. So far,almost everyone has been very accepting of me. But,my parents and family members don't know. My mom is a lesbian,but I'm afraid she'll say I'm too young to be sure of my sexuality (I'm 13). My friends told me I should just tell her,because she already is suspicious of my feelings toward girls. How should I tell her?

回答 (6)

2012-05-20 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well.. sexuality is determined by 6 years old, I think it's wonderful you know who you are at 13. Your mom's job is to accept you and to love you- just get her alone and let her know, be straight foward.
2012-05-20 12:40 am
Well, I'll do you a favor and not just say gay mom= accepting mom, because if that were the case, I guess this would not be a concern. However, you do not need to come out at the age of 13 (and in my personal opinion, it's too young to even be dating), you can wait until you find a girl you would like to date and then maybe present it as: mom, I would like to date this girl, which prevents her from saying that you are too young to know you are a lesbian, because you did not state that you were. If she does however say that, just say that you would really like to date this girl for awhile anyways. She obviously won't have a problem with you being gay as a value or anything, but she may still not want you dating at such a young age, in which case I say, listen to your mom. She's being reasonable and not hateful or nothing, just a good, protective mother.
2016-10-20 8:47 pm
i imagine you should in basic terms tell her your secret. yet be warned she will be able to be particularly bowled over perchance get mad in the starting up yet keep in thoughts she is your mom and he or she will be able to love you unconditionally because you're her baby =)
2012-05-20 12:37 am
look at my horse, my horse is amazing
2012-05-20 12:36 am
Just bring home a girlfriend and introduce her to your mom.
2012-05-20 12:35 am
Hey mom I'm lesbian


*make out*

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