
2012-05-19 10:55 am





Gary: 但系我唔系用綠卡就出到美國境咩? 謝謝!


Gary: 但系我睇United Airlines個website佢lawful permanent resident下面有 passport, DHS Travel Document, Permanent Resident Card, ADIT Stamp上面寫住require one of the following 唔系即系是但一樣就得咩? 個website:http://www.united.com/web/en-US/content/travel/destination/international/passport.aspx 再一次多謝你!


Gary: so do I need to renew my HK ID card before I renew my passport? because I got my ID card before I turned 18 and now I'm 18 and do you think two months is enough for a passport renewal? Thank you very much

回答 (2)

2012-05-19 1:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I do not concern if you can get into Hong Kong or not (as you can get in with your HKID, expired or not).

The issue is if HKSAR Passport is your only travel document, you will not be allowed to board the aircraft.

Airlines is the one who stops you.

2012-05-19 16:52:27 補充:
Unfortunately, Permanent Resident Card is not considered as a travel document at all.

You still need a valid passport to exit the U.S.

2012-05-20 17:47:57 補充:
1. On the same page, it also says, "Customers are reminded that the passport, visa and health requirements page does not include any travel document requirements for departure, which may be different."

2. I never said CBP will stop you, the airlines is the one who will stop you.

2012-05-20 17:48:07 補充:
What is the hurt of applying an emergency travel document to make sure you can travel?

2012-05-22 06:23:07 補充:
You don't have enough time.

So here is what you should do:

1. Apply your passport online through HKSAR Government system now (so you can get your passport when you return to Hong Kong).

2. Make an appointment to get a new HKID.

2012-05-22 06:25:23 補充:
3. Apply "入境身份陳述書" from the Chinese Consulate immediately. Or if you qualify, apply for an emergency travel document from your nearest British Consulate.
2012-05-19 7:19 pm
it won't be a problem, even with transit flight.

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