PM2.5空氣監測標準將入中國 -英文補習!

2012-05-18 11:10 pm
PM2.5空氣監測標準將入中國 -英文補習http://englishelc.hkChina’s environmental authorities are to implement new air quality standards which will now measure some of the smallest and most damaging particles in the air. In many cities, the public are being consulted over the introduction of the new standards ,which will find out just how clean the air really is.中國的環境部門將執行新的空氣質量標準,將測量空氣中一些最小、傷害最大的顆粒。在許多城市,民眾正被詢問到新標準的引進,這將了解到空氣實際上有多純凈。Smog in Beijing. Smog in Shanghai. Smog in Hangzhou - During recent months, dense pollution has frequently blanketed many cities in China. Sometimes visibility drops to less than 1 kilometer, causing serious traffic jams, flight delays and highway closures.北京的煙霧。上海的煙霧。杭州的煙霧——最近幾個月,濃度大的污染經常籠罩著中國的城市。有時,能見度下降到1千米以下,引發了嚴重的交通阻塞,航班延誤和公路關閉。It has also raised public awareness of the issue. Ma Jun has been conducting environmental research since the mid 1990s and in 2006, he founded his own NGO in Beijing.它也提高了這個問題的公共意識。馬軍從上個實際90年代中期就開始進行環境研究,2006年,他在北京成立自己的非政府組織。The Ministry of Environmental Protection’s newly published air quality standard includes monitoring of PM2.5 - a kind of air particle with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less. These particulates are small enough to penetrate human lung tissue, causing severe health problems. The revised standard is now open for public input and will take effect from 2016.環保局新近發布的空氣質量標準包括了PM2.5的監測——PM2.5是一種直徑等于或小于2.5微米的空氣顆粒。這些顆粒足夠小,能進入人的肺組織,引發嚴重的健康問題。新修改的標準現在開放公眾投入,從2016年開始生效。Responding to the new air quality standard, several cities, including Shanghai and Nanjing, announced that they are preparing pilot programs that will start to monitor and publish PM 2.5 levels soon. Experts believe that the monitoring results in some cities might not initially meet international standards.作為對新的空氣質量標準的響應,包括上海、南京在內的一些城市宣布,他們正在準備試點計劃,很快將開始監測、發布PM2.4水平。專家認為,一些城市的監測結果開始可能達不到國際標準。TAG: 英文補習 | 補習英文 | English Tutor | 英文課程 | 中學補習 | 補習社 |

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