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Service fee for 2011/20122011/2012年的服務費 Refer to Inland Revenue Department (IRD)requirement, company need to report to IRD for payments to service providers with annual payment more than HK$25000.參照稅務局(IRD)的規定, 每年支付服務提供者超過港幣25000元的公司須要向稅務局報告。 According to our record, your serviceincome for 2011/2012 is less than HK$25000, so we will not report the amount toIRD, but you are still responsible for filling your service fee in your tax return and your service income for the period 1 Apr 2011 to 31 Mar 2012 is HK$8000.根據我們的紀錄,您在2011/2012年的服務收入是少於港幣 25000元,所以我們不會報告此金額到稅務局,但您仍然有責任填寫您的服務費在您的報稅表。在2011 年 4 月 1 日至 2012 年 3 月 31 日的期間,您的服務收入為港幣8000元。 If you have any query, please contact MS Chan.如果您有任何疑問,請聯絡陳女士。 *我照字面譯=口=, 我都唔知service income(服務收入)和service fee(服務費)是否同一樣野~ Bye~OwO
2012-05-17 00:05:44 補充:
其實service providers , 常譯作服務供應商,Q~Q但我唔肯定你係唔係~..所以..譯作服務提供者
2012-05-19 01:56:29 補充:
service income(服務收入)=service fee(服務費)
service fee(服務費):
係個間公司比你既錢, 是別人的支出
service income(服務收入):
*係同一樣野, 不過角度不同~
2012-05-31 16:25:32 補充:
To MingLam Choi:
you have many spam accounts~!=3=