
2012-05-16 7:45 pm
一個字 音近粵語「呀 y」還是「呀 fry」,前面是跟一個credit
什麼「credit 呀y」的..

回答 (2)

2012-05-16 8:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案

會不會是 CREDIT OFFER, 意思是提供貸款, 申請貸款,

或是信用保障, 緩付款期限, 之類, 還是CREDIT ADVICE

意思是貸款意見, 貸款報告, 信用審評之類, 希望幫到你.
2012-05-17 2:31 am
If you want someone to" advise" you and tell you what they think you should do in a particular situation,then "advice"----a noun.
eg:-advice on how to prevent crime in your area.
eg:-advice on which school for your son to study.
eg:-Take your advice and return all the money to the bank!
Advise as a verb(advises,advising,advised):-
If you" advise" someone to do something,you tell them what you think they should do.
But if they "advise" you,then" advise" is a verb.
eg:-The fireman advised you to leave home as soon as possible.
eg:-The school would surely advise her how to transfer her son to another school.
eg:-Husband advised that she should be interviewed.
eg:-A housing-officer who advised her from the Housing Estate died yesterday!

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