
2012-05-16 3:09 pm
我本人現有綠咭,如我想申請兄弟姊妹到美國。我應該先等我係公民身分或是而家應該開始申請?因為我知道如果申請父母的話應先得到公民身分會較快批准。另外,請如果我到BOSTON讀書的話問可以到邊個網站去知道我要工作幾耐先可以申請FINANCIAL AID?

Gary, how do i apply my siblings to USA? According to immigration, i am qligible to help my siblings to USA. I cant get what u mean.

回答 (3)

2012-05-16 6:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Citizen - you are not even qualified to sponsor your relatives (unless the relative is your spouse or children).

2. In theory - yes. Citizen parent's sponsorship is faster. However, please keep in mind that the U.S. will only allow the application if the sponsor's status is still active.

3. Any residents can apply financial aids at any time. They will be based on your parents' income and assets (or yours only if you qualify).

2012-05-17 18:04:13 補充:
Are you a U.S. Citizen or not?

If yes, then you are qualified. Otherwise, no (having a Permanent Resident Card is definitely not qualified).

I don't know your source - so I can't comment.
2012-05-18 6:20 pm
永久居民不能申請兄弟姊妹移民, 請看各類移民申請資格及輪候日期:
2012-05-18 7:57 am
直系親屬你要年滿21歲或以上,才能為家庭成員遞交申請書。袓父母、姑母姨母、叔伯、姻親及堂或表兄弟姊妺均不能申請親屬移民。IR1/CR1 - 美國公民的配偶
IR2 - 美國公民的未成年子女 (21歲以下)
IR3 - 美國公民已領養的兒童
IR4 - 美國公民將在美國領養的兒童
IR5 - 美國公民的父母
IW - 離世美國公民的配偶
K1 - 美國公民的未婚夫或妻
K3 - 部分美國公民的配偶和未成年子女
V1 - 部分合法永久居民的配偶和未成年子女
家人團聚移民簽證個人為家庭成員遞交移民簽證申請書一定要年滿21歲或以上。袓父母、姑母姨母、叔伯、姻親及堂或表兄弟姊妺均不能申請親屬移民。請注意﹕此簽證類別每年有限額。 F1 - 美國公民的未婚成年子女
F2A - 合法永久居民的配偶和未成年子女
F2B - 合法永久居民的未婚成年子女
F3 - 美國公民的已婚子女
F4 - 美國公民的兄弟姊妺

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