
2012-05-15 11:48 pm
本人任職嘅公司有客戶報警投訴被詐騙,警方到來帶走本人在內嘅多名職員返警署,被拘留十多小時後我獲准用$5000保釋,警察要我每月返警署報到一次,今個月尾是首次續擔保,我有好多事情不清楚,煩請大家幫我解答,感激無限。(1) 轉擔保是否到警署簽嗰名就走得,不用半小時,還是要在警署等足一日才走得?(2) 我上次落了一份什麼都沒有講的口供,今次返警署報到,警方會唔會又帶我到警署內嘅會見室查問一番?若會,我應該點做呢?我最想是簽嗰名就立刻走得。(3) 轉擔保要做些甚麼準備及要注意甚麼事項?(4) 警方有無權在我轉擔保嘅時候,更改保釋金嘅金額?例如增加至$20000。(5) 若果我在月尾有急事要返中國,為期一星期,唔得閒去報到,a) 我可否早7日前自行到警署提早轉擔保? 若不可以提早的話,請問b) 我唔得閒去警署報到,可否委託律師代辦轉擔保? 律師通常點樣收費呢?

回答 (2)

2012-05-17 5:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 轉擔保需時幾耐係無定! 要睇邊間警署, 同報到時間 - 例如晚上9時呢d較清靜時間到跑馬地呢d較清靜差館轉擔保, 就一定快過下午4點呢d旺場時間到旺角呢d旺場差館轉擔保. 轉擔保唔係淨係簽個名. 大堂警員要聯絡番負責單案果組探員, 由探員入電腦set下次報到時間 (俗稱 “放機”), 再由大堂警員做張新擔保紙俾你簽, 簽咗先走得. 一般需時都要一個鐘, 又唔使喺警署等足一日先走得嘅.2. 你上次保持緘默, 今次應該唔會再查問你.3. 準時, 帶擔保紙及帶身份証4. 警方有權更改保釋條件,但要有原因 - 例如發現對你不利嘅新証據. 你其實可以前一日致電負責單案果組探員, 問吓明日轉擔保有無任何更改. 如果你有禮貌及唔係古惑仔, 一般會答你5. 你要事先聯絡負責單案果組探員, 要求提前轉擔保, 佢哋ok咗及入電腦先可以. 否則你自行改期報到, 大堂警員唔會受理.6. 唔得. 一定要親身報到.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2012-05-16 1:00 am
1. No one knows - as it is case dependent.

Depending on how the case is developed, the police may choose to put you under formal arrest, revise your bail condition, even release you without bail.

So you should prepare to spend some time in the station just in case.

2. They have the right to do so. Also it is also your right to remain silent.

3. You should have a bail receipt. Remember to bring it. Also - since you have been there once, make sure that you have a lawyer's number (in case of you want representation) or a friend's number (in case of the police increase your bail and you don't have enough).

4. Absolutely yes.

5. You should discuss that with the police. The police can tell you if you are in a travel restriction or not.

Also - if your trip is permitted by the police, the police can make adjustments for your reporting.

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