
2012-05-15 8:39 pm
唔該可唔可以幫我睇下我篇請假信寫得岩唔岩? 有無任何既文法錯誤??

Dear Professor, Due toI got high fever today, I am afraid I may not be able to attend tomorrow’spresentation. I would like to ask if I can’t attend the presentation tomorrow,may I do something else instead of giving presentation. Inaddition, I want to confirm the e-mail (regarding to the Final Exam Outline) Isent on last Wednesday that you have received or not?Thanks,XXX

回答 (5)

2012-05-15 10:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
DearProfessor, Iam afraid that I may not able to participate in tomorrow’s presentation due to highfever. I would like to know anything to substitute for tomorrow’s presentation.Inaddition, I would like to confirm that you received the e-mail regarding ofFinal Exam Outline from last Wednesday.Thanks,XXX
2012-05-16 1:43 am
此外,我想要確認電子郵件 (對於最後的考試大綱) 上星期三,你收到了或不嗎?

2012-05-15 17:43:34 補充:
have DD

2012-05-15 17:43:57 補充:
2012-05-16 12:57 am
English Grammar,Error and Correction:-
Dear Professor,
I am afraid that I may not be able to attend the presentation tomorrow as I have been in bed with a fever. I would like to know if there does seem to be an alternative option for me as presenter.
In addition, I would like to confirm whether you have received my e-mail regarding FINAL EXAM OUTLINE sent on last Wednesday.
參考: google translation website
2012-05-16 12:25 am
2012-05-15 11:46 pm
Dear Professor,

As I got high fever, I am afaird that I may not be able to attend the presentation on tomorrow. If so, I would like to know if there is any other alternatives for replacement of the presentation.

In addition, I would like to confirm if you have received my email yet that sent on last Wednesday regarding the Final Exam Outline.

Thanks a lot.

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