如何刪除 history

2012-05-15 7:13 pm
啱啱講個 IE 升到9 (IE9), 請問如何將輸入網址個(中間enter website)到嗰嗰history刪除左或者唔好再顯示

回答 (3)

2012-05-19 8:38 pm
如果你想刪除輸入網址記錄,可以直接點網址後面果個叉就可以刪除,如果你唔想要網址記錄,到tools,internet options,content,autocomplete,點setting,然後唔好系address bar果道打勾,確定重新開啟IE就唔會再保存網址
2012-05-16 4:25 am

1. 在 Internet Explorer 中, 按 [工具] => [安全性] => [刪除瀏覽歷程記錄]

2. 在 [刪除瀏覽歷程記錄] 中, 勾選 [保留我的最愛網站資料] => 按 [刪除]

InPrivate 瀏覽不留歷程記錄痕跡:

1. 在 Internet Explorer 中, 按 [新索引標籤] (如下圖) => [開啟 InPrivate 瀏覽視窗]


2. 按 [安全性] => [InPrivate 瀏覽] => [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [P]


1. 在 Internet Explorer 中, 按 [工具] => [網際網路選項] => [網際網路選項]

2. 勾選 [結束時刪除瀏覽記錄] => [套用] => [確定]
2012-05-15 10:53 pm
How to delete your browsing history in Internet Explorer 9To delete all or some of your browsing historyClick to open Internet Explorer.Click the Tools button
, point to Safety, and then click Delete browsing history. If you don't want to delete the cookies and files associated with websites in your favorites list, select the Preserve Favorites website data check box.Select the check box next to each category of information you want to delete.Click Delete.
Windows Internet Explore 9 stores the following types of information when you browse the web:Temporary Internet files.Cookies.A history of the websites you've visited.Information that you've entered into websites or the Address bar, such as your name, address, and the website addresses that you've visited before.Saved web passwords.Temporary information stored by browser add-ons.

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