
2012-05-15 4:36 am
When (x+y+z)^1999 is expanded and like terms are collected, how many terms will there be??? 就是將(x+y+z)^1999 化開後,然後再將有相同xyz的簡化。例如 (x+y)^2 的答案是3,因為 x^2 + 2xy + y^2 -------> 3 個 terms

這題目是在 partitions & bijections 裏面的,應該會用到 combinatorics。

回答 (2)

2012-05-15 5:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
您好!我是 lop,高興能解答您的問題。

Let the terms be (x^a)(y^b)[z^(1999-a-b)]. Note that a,b are possitive integers

How many terms there are ?

When a = 0,

b can be 0 ~ 1999, total 2000 different terms.

When a = 1,

b can be 0 ~ 1998, total 1999 different terms.


When a = 1999,

b can only be 0, total 1 term.

So the answer will be:

2000 + 1999 + 1998 + ... + 2 + 1
= (2000+1) × 2000 ÷ 2
= 2001000

Answer : There will be 2001000 terms.

2012-05-14 21:20:25 補充:

Note that a,b are integers not negative.

2012-05-14 21:26:24 補充:
Note that a,b are integers that not negative.
參考: My knowledge
2012-05-15 6:59 pm
根據 lop知識長的計法, 但a, b 應該由1開始計算, 不會是0啊.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 12:44:54
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