有乜grammar f.6要識用?

2012-05-15 2:15 am
有乜grammar f.6要識用?
e.g passive voice,if-conditional......

回答 (4)

2012-05-16 2:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
There is a book called "Grammar for English Language Teachers"by Parrott which shows Conditional (f2-f3) and Passive (f2-f3).And so with the 3-3-4-edu,the term grammar with different parts of speech or word classes ,verb phrase,aspects of grammar that you may want to learn progressively and systematically should be acknowledged :-
Part A Words:-
Part B Verbs and related forms:-
Verbals,Modal verbs,Infinitive,The present,pp,past,future,Reported and direct speech,Conditional(f2-f3).
Part C Sentence constituents:-
Sentence constituents,Passive (f2-f3),Discourse,Ellipsis,
Part D Complex sentences:-
Finite adverbial clauses,Non-finite clauses,Definiting and non-defining phrases and clauses,Noun clauses,Relative clauses.
With f6 grammars intended for learner,you should think clearly of examples,of form,meaning,collocation,style,order,and pronunciation and spelling.
2012-05-29 7:53 pm
Hearing the news,students all cried for "A".
2012-05-21 6:24 pm
By Form 5, (not F6) 要識用大部份 Grammar,
8 parts of speech, Tenses, Conditional, infinitive/Gerund
Modal verbs, reported speech, relative clauses,..etc.
Passive voice 是小學P5-6 學, 怎樣用 past participle 作 passive voice
Conditional 是 Form 2 學

我記得Form 6 是學 Rhetoric, Collocations ,Essay Writing
2012-05-15 2:18 am
passive voice,if-conditional ??? 不是 FORM 2 - 3 的事情嗎???

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