中譯英 - 句子

2012-05-14 6:58 pm
中譯英1. 角色出場的順序為:…2. 他的行為有微小的進步。3. 貓、狗和羊合共佔80%。 Thank you!

回答 (6)

2012-05-15 12:56 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. 角色出場的順序為:…List of characters (in order of appearance on stage):...

2. 他的行為有微小的進步。There is a slight improvement in his conduct.

3. 貓、狗和羊合共佔80%。Cats, dogs and sheep together account for 80% of the total.
2012-05-16 2:44 am
(1) the role played in the order: ...
(2) his conduct small progress.
(3) cats, dogs and sheep, together accounting for 80%.
2012-05-14 9:45 pm
(2) There is a slight improvement in his behaviour. (formal English)
- improvement is countable noun here

His behaviour has little improvement. (rather Chinglish)
- improvement is uncountable here
2012-05-14 9:29 pm
1. Order to appearnace: ....
[假設這句是劇作場刋,角色這個字是用譯的 - 因為要:後的內容裏把每個角色-演員名稱列出。]

2. His behavio(u)r has some/little/small improvement.

3. The total number of cats, dogs and sheeps amongs to 80%.

The number of cats, dogs and sheeps accounts for 80%.
2012-05-14 9:27 pm
1. 角色出場的順序為:…
The orders the characters appear in show are ...

2. 他的行為有微小的進步。
There is a slight improvement of his behavior.

3. 貓、狗和羊合共佔80%。
The sum of cats, dogs and sheep adds up to 80% of the total.
2012-05-14 7:25 pm
(1)The ordinal position in the show for the cast are:---
(2)He has improved slightly towards his behaviour.
(3)The percentage of cat,dog and sheep are worth 80.
參考: google translation websites!

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