philippines vs. china?

2012-05-14 5:44 am
is there a chance China would invade Philippines?

回答 (13)

2012-05-14 5:54 am
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Waste of time and money. China has already a big piece of land and has poverty problems in some areas, they don't want to deal with more. I doubt they will aim for a piece land that does not worth much. If the whole the Philippine is resource rich, they will sure go for it.
2012-05-14 5:55 am
They have already invaded the Philippines with cheap electronics and appliances and tonnes of pritated DVD movies.

All the PLA need to do is to carry out the next invasion armed with pasalubongs.

Maybe all the hoos and haas can be settled peacefully with a game of ping-pong.
2012-05-14 11:42 am
No country would invade an independent, peaceful and established country like the Philippines. Not unless some idiot would want to start another world war because China and the Philippines are allied with the most powerful countries in the world.

2014-06-24 9:21 am
China wins, no contest.
2012-05-14 6:06 pm
The philippines invites invasion by failing to maintain a credible military defense, not one fighter squadron to defend Manila or the capital seat of government. Filipino leaders instead claim to rely totally upon the US for military defense, however this also lacks credibility because the philippines also fails to allow US military access to air force and land bases in the Philippines, which would be needed, for the US to ensure a credible defense.

Filipino people are easily baffled by thier pro-China Quisling leaders, so when Chinese bombers fly unchallenged over Manila, and begin to piss on them, they will be happy to be told not to worry, it is just raining.

Quisling was a pro-Hitler Norwiegan politician that took over the government of Norway, and surrendered, at the onset of the Nazi invasion.
參考: refurbished jet fighter for $300k, how cheap can you get? L-39
2012-05-16 3:31 am
China would destroy Philippines if they tried to take over huangyang island.
2012-05-15 1:50 am
philippines would give china a chance
2012-05-14 11:49 am
No. If they invade they will then have to prepare a large amount of McDonald Happy Meal to sustain the live-hood of the Filipinos. Up to that point, all the fuels like coal, gas and oil will be used up for making French fries and stuff. And may also contribute to global warming, release of nitrous gas, carbon dioxide, methane and water, and then ozone depletion occurs, biological oxygen demand increase and people have no water to drink.
2012-05-14 5:38 pm
Philippines will surely won because the Avengers will help the Philippines.
2012-05-14 9:47 am
china would not invade the philippines as they know there are lots of chinese citizen inside it.

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