Is eating dogs morally wrong?

2012-05-14 2:18 am
I have a friend from Sri Lanka named Manjuvy who gets together occasionally with his family in his village and goes to hunt for dogs. They bring it back to the butcher and eat the meat. He wants me to try and i'm very excited. The barbaque flavour sounds good, but dill pickle is enticing aswell. But i feel something in my stomach when i think about it. Is it my concscious saying it's bad, or is it just my craving for dog meat taking over my body? Should i eat it?

回答 (20)

2012-05-14 3:25 am
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There are places on Earth where food is so plentyful that people are very finicky and invent all kinds of reasons to not eat certain types of food. In fact, they go as far as forcing their own preferences on others.

Meanwhile, there are places on Earth where food is so rare that kids die of hunger. Of course, we the wallowy, with our stomachs so full of food that we prefer to throw good meat away, take care of any guilt feeling by trying to convince ourselves that it is "their fault". That'll teach the 4-year-old starving kid for being born in that region.

Failing to share and forcing our choices on others, now that is morally wrong.

I still cannot eat ants yet, even though they are sold as a delicacy around here. I have nothing against people who do eat ants (apparently a very efficient source of protein), as long as they don't force me to eat them.
2012-05-14 2:23 am
It's just like every other type of meat. It comes from an animal. The only reason some people may think it's wrong is because they have dogs as pets but I know people who have cows as pets and could never even think about eating them. It's really just whatever you're comfortable with.
2012-05-14 2:22 am
People there eat dogs. It is a different culture
2012-05-14 2:26 am
Morality changes from person to person, or rather, from community to community. There is no real thing of evil or good, and since morals are just how you interpret the two terms, you can see how morals can change easily from person to person.

In other words, I, nor anyone else, can tell you if it is moral for -you- to eat a dog. However, I reckon it is not very differnt from eating any other animal. So long as you are not taking dogs out of people's yards, then I don't see any reason why it's not OK.

Think of it this way; by taking strays off the streets and killing them in the quickest way possible before cooking them, you are HELPING the other dogs in the area as there is one less dog spreading diseases, getting into fights, taking up food, and creating even more strays.
2012-05-14 2:36 am
Well its really no different how here in the US we eat cows, pigs, chickens, etc. We are just so acustommed to dogs being pets and "man's best friend" that it seems wrong to us to eat them. Tbh it's pretty hypocritical to say its wrong to eat dogs then go eat a hamburger.
2012-05-14 2:34 am
I don't think there's a type of meat that would be wrong to eat except if you were supporting an inhumane industry. For example, I have butchered my own rabbits and chickens and cleaned my own fish without guilt, but I will never eat veal. It is an inhumanely acquired product. Newborn calves are tied in a tiny stall so they build no muscle to make the meat tender. I wouldn't ever eat veal.

I have eaten horse before in Europe, and it was delicious. But I will never eat dog meat because I have heard - maybe unreliably so - that the dogs are treated cruelly before they are slaughtered because of a belief that the adrenalin makes the meat better. I won't eat dog meat simply because I believe it is an inhumanely harvested meat.
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2012-05-14 2:59 am
As you said its a "cultural thing", but personally i think eating Dogs is wrong for two reasons, one they are carnivore's, so health wise i think there is more to it, i heard once you shouldnt eat anything carnivorous... but then, fish are mostly carnivorous as well. Secondly though (my opinion) dogs like horses have been part of human companion for so long and have been there as a huge part of life in general that i couldnt myself eat them (i understand a lot of countries do eat horse meat, in my mind im saying i could never do it cause i love horses, same with dogs, couldnt eat cats either, or rats... but as much as i like rabbits as pets i also like the taste of rabbit...)
I guess its up to you, if you do it as part of your friends culture in a part of the world where it is accepted and commonly done, but not in other places where it is not considered as acceptable.
2012-05-14 1:33 pm
Don't lie, Sri Lankan's don't eat dogs whether it is Sinhalease, Tamil or Muslim.
Sri Lanka gave the lead to all
Asia in being the first Asian
country to ban the killing of
dogs for rabies control.

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