Do diet pills actually work? just curious.?

2012-05-14 1:51 am
In no way am I planning on using them I was just curious, do they work? And if so which brands do. I've been told some really damage you.

回答 (3)

2012-05-14 1:59 am
Fen-phen used to work well temporarily, but many people ended up dying from taking it and the company that made it got sued for 13 billion dollars.

Nothing works as good as diet and exercise. Diet will get you thinner and excerise will shape you and make you look good. Nobody wants to hear diet and exercise,but if you want to look better than most of the population, its something you gotta do.
2012-05-14 1:53 am
it depends, what kind of diet pills?
2012-05-14 1:52 am
Im taking Mega -T green tea pills. Idk they dont seem to work but i take it anyway.

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