彩你都儍 英文係咩

2012-05-14 5:11 am
彩你都儍 英文係咩???

回答 (6)

2012-05-14 11:25 am
✔ 最佳答案

I will be crazy,( 稍停 )
to care what you say.
2012-05-14 9:13 pm
Tell someone else who cares!
2012-05-14 8:28 pm
I won't waste my breath on you.
2012-05-14 8:14 am
Whatever the disapprove of into what Color,
censure you,
criticize you;
We condemn criminals
=we condemn you.
2012-05-14 6:01 am
啋你都傻英文可以講非常決絕的: "I don't give it a damn!".意思係 ""唔關我事 我乜嘢興趣都冇"。

這是名片Gone with the wind亂世佳人男主角對女主角的警句,曾被選古今所有電影對白第一名。

2012-05-14 16:34:30 補充:
Sorry,打多了it字。 不是I don't give it a damn.

是I don't give a damn.

2012-05-18 03:50:44 補充:
Paying attention to you is entirely stupid.
2012-05-14 5:58 am
I'll be damned if I talk to you.

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