
2012-05-13 4:43 pm

回答 (6)

2012-05-22 7:14 pm
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I was very upset when I learned that my watch was in the ocean. Although I wanted to look for it, my fear of the ocean prevented me to do so. So I just sat on the shallow bridge waiting. When the sun rose, it was time to go home, As I turned my head, I found something shining brightly. Alas It was my watch! I cried as I knew that my watch had returned to me.
Over the years, I have always been wearing this watch.

2012-05-22 11:18:55 補充:
(Punctuation errors corrected below)
...it was time to go home. As I turned my head, I found something shining brightly. Alas,it was my watch! ...
2012-05-16 3:26 am
I know that my watch is in the ocean.I was very upset.I want to find it but I am
afraid of the ocean.I sit on the bridge until the sun appear.Then, I go back to
home.When I face round,I discover a shinning thing.That my watch!I cry and I know my watch is come back.I wear this watch for many years.
參考: by myself
2012-05-13 7:08 pm
I know I only watch in the ocean, I was very upset and I want to look for it, but I'm afraid of the sea, I sat in the light bridge
Wait until the sun, I came home. Turned his head, I found something sparkling, that was my watch! I cried, I know my watch back over the years, I have been with with this watch.
參考: google
2012-05-13 7:04 pm
I know I only watch in the ocean, I was very upset and I want to look for it, but I'm afraid ofthe sea, I sat in the light bridge
Wait until the sun, I came home. Turned his head, I found something sparkling, that was my watch! I cried, I know my watch back over the years, I have been with with this watch
2012-05-13 5:26 pm
I knew that my watch is in the sea, so i was very unhappy. I intended to find it, but I was afraid of the sea. I sat on the bridge until the sun came out, when I started to go home. As I looked back, I found something glistening -- it was my watch!. I cried, knowing that my watch had returned. For so may years, I've been wearing this watch.

2012-05-13 09:27:17 補充:
row 1: is=>was
參考: me, me
2012-05-13 5:07 pm
I know I only watch in the ocean, I was very upset and I want to look for it, but I'm afraid of the sea, I sat in the light bridge
Wait until the sun, I came home. Turned his head, I found something sparkling, that was my watch! I cried, I know my watch back over the years, I have been with with this watch
參考: google

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