Frequent nightfall ,,, Please help :-(?

2012-05-13 5:50 am
I am a 17 year old boy. from 2 months almost, i am having frequent nightfall, about 3-4 times a week. That has really made me weak and I am unable to enjoy. Whenever i have nightfall, the morning i feel very guilty about myself. Please help me How can i solve this problem ?????

回答 (3)

2012-05-13 8:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
do yoga & meditation
2012-05-14 5:06 pm
The following Ayurvedic Medicines can be taken with Milk twice daily for 3-4 months:

Chandra Prabha Vishesh Number 1 tablet 2-2
Virya Shodhan Vati 1-1

Isabgol ki busi with hot water (or Kabjina churna in case of hard constipation) can be taken before sleep in the night, in case of constipation.

The Swpandosh or nightfall problem may be due to excessive masturbation (daily masturbation comes in the category of excessive masturbation). Masturbation or sex during the duration of medication should be stopped completely or should be done 1 time a week.

Good luck
2012-05-13 1:00 pm
actually it's ok and natural ...
u should not be felt guilty ...
think positive and find some one to talk with u if u really feel badly ...
add me and lets have a talks :D .... [email protected]

for reference:

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