
2012-05-13 2:42 am
列如famine 飢荒



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2012-05-21 5:13 pm
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AIDS 愛滋病 (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
Animism 萬物有靈論
Apartheid 種族隔離
Civil War 內戰
Clan 氏族; 部落
Colonialism 殖民主義
Corrupt 貪污
Coup 政變
Deforestation 森林開伐
Desertification 沙漠化
Drought 乾旱
Epidemic 流行病, 時疫
Foreign aid 外援
Fraud 欺詐
Genocide 集體大屠殺
Hunger 饑餓
Malaria 瘧疾
Malnutrition 營養不良
Poverty 貧窮
Racism 種族主義
Rainforest 雨林
Refugees 難民
Subsidies 財政援助
Tribe 部落


Hunger 饑餓
Malnutrition 營養不良

2012-05-21 09:20:13 補充:
没有 包括 Famine 飢荒, 是因你例子已經有
參考: Yahoo Dictionary
2012-05-13 3:35 am
African n someone from Africa.
African American n an American whose family originally came from Africa,especially as slaves,,negro.
Afrikaans n a language of South Africa that is similar to Dutch
Afrikaner n a South African whose family came from the Dutch people who settled there in the 1600s.
Afro- prefix !) of Africa;an Afro-American(=a black American person)
----------------2)African and:Afro-Asian (=of both Africa and Asia)
famine---a situation in which a large number of people have little or no food for a long time,and many people die.
recovery program-----a course of treatment for people who are addicted to drugs,alcohol,aids.
AIDS-----Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome;is a very serious disease caused by a virus that stops your body from defending itself against infections. AIDS are found in Africa.
Egypt is world's earliest centres of civilization.Later colonies became as independent states.
African elephants is larger than the Indian elephant and has much larger ears.
African National Congress (ANC) 1912,securing racial equality and black representation in Paliament.Nelson Mandela became the new President of South Africa April 1994.

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