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2012-05-12 6:30 pm
摘要 . 字體,是平面設計中相當重要的一部分,然而放眼於中國的生活當中,充斥著大量雜亂無章的字體設計和應用,如中國高速公路上的字體系統和廣州鐵道的字體系統都凌亂不堪,從這些設計中我們可以發現其設計及應用者對文字的認知近乎是一無所知。而我們作為即將進入這個領域的准設計師又該如何呢? 是繼續忽略去文字,隨便地使用、甚至是濫用他們,還是從現在起下決心去了解它們,從而更好地用應用它們於我們的設計中呢?Thanks!

回答 (1)

2012-05-13 1:55 am
✔ 最佳答案

Fonts, is one of the important elements in graphic design. In reveiwing the daily lives in China, however, is filled with large qunatity of inconsistent designs and applications of fonts. For example, the fonts used on signages for the national highways and those used for the Guangzhou railways are a mess. From these designs, we can tell that the designer and the producer of these letters of words do not have the know-how. As for us, designers who are just going to enter into this territory, what should be our position? Continue to apply the fonts and words casually, even abusively, of we should be determined to understanding them better from this point forward for better application in our designs?

參考: P.S. 第一句Fonts雖然是眾數-但按作者意思是綜合作為一樣東西。

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