雅思:不可按套路翻譯的英語句子 - 補習http://www.tctutor.com生活中一些簡短的英語可是會難倒一大批人的哦。如果不按照實際情況理所當然理解的話,是會出岔子的。比如說,“Are you there?”是什么意思呢?是說“你在那里嗎?”其實不盡然,一起來看一下吧。1. As luck would have it, he was caught by the teacher again.不幸的是,他又一次被老師逮個正著。2. She held the little boy by the right hand.她抓著小男孩的右手。3. Are you there?等于句型:Do you follow me?4. If you think he is a good man, think again.如果你認為他是好人,那你就大錯特錯了。5. If my mother had known of it she'd have died a second time.要是我媽媽知道了,她會從棺材里爬起來。6. That took his breath away.他大驚失色。7. Rubber easily gives way to pressure.橡膠很容易變形。8. The elevator girl reads between passengers.開電梯的姑娘在沒有乘客時看書。between=without,相同用法:She modeled between roles. 她不演戲時去客串下模特。9. Students are still arriving.學生還沒有到齊。10. I must not stay here and do nothing.我不能什么都不做待在這兒。11. They went away as wise as they came.他們一無所獲。12. I won't do it to save my life.我死也不會做。13. Nonsense, I don't think his painting is any better than yours.胡說,我認為他的畫比你好不到哪去。14. Traditionally, Italian presidents have been seen and not heard.從傳統上看,意大利總統有名無權。15. Work once and work twice.一次得手,再次不愁。16. You don't want to do that.你不應該去做。17. My grandfather is nearly 90 and in his second childhood.我祖父快90歲了,什么事都需要別人來做。
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