Is American English proper English?

2012-05-11 9:53 pm
Can you British people (or anybody else who speaks English) put down you opinion

And, yeah, I am american

回答 (10)

2012-05-11 10:09 pm
Don't listen to the guy who didn't manage to spell "Britain" correctly.

Both American- and British-English can be considered perfectly proper, but only in the context of their own country. Differences in slang and interpretations leaves certain words incompatible with the other's country. For example, "fanny" means "butt" in American-English, while it refers to a woman's sexual organs in British-English. Even with a word as simple and closely-related as that can solicit completely different interpretations depending on which country you're in. The most common is probably "fag", slang for homosexual in America but perfectly common as "cigarette" in Britain.
2012-05-11 9:54 pm
Language belongs to the people that speak it. So American English is proper for Americans.
2012-05-12 4:17 am
Of course it is. There never is a "proper" version of any given language, really. A lot of influential and beautiful literature, particularly Modernist literature, has been written in American English, such as the works of Fitzgerald, Hemingway and countless others. That said, the American dialect is admittedly more fluid and variable and somewhat less svelte in nature than the standard British dialect. I must admit that personally, I find certain Americanisms to be stupid. A few ghastly examples would be the port-manteau "Guestimate" and many egregious spelling deviations, such as "faze", any "-ise" suffix converted to "-ize" and of course, the horrible "color".
參考: I am a native English speaker (Northern Ireland, UK) and I studied A Level English Literature & Language.
2012-05-11 9:55 pm
HAHAHAHA no! it is far from proper English, the people in England and great Britten are closer to speaking proper English then America
參考: i know this stuff
2016-12-16 11:00 pm
English Proper
2016-04-05 11:09 am
For the best answers, search on this site

First of all, you are making a distinction that I don't quite like. You are directly implying that American English is not proper. I believe what you are trying to ask about is the difference between American English and RP English (Received Pronunciation). The main reason people believe that this RP English is the only proper English is because for many years it was the type of English spoken by the upper class British people, in fact it is sometimes also called Oxford English, Queen's English or BBC English.. However this is not a "type of English" It is simply an accent. In fact this accent hardly represents Britons because only about 2% of them speak it. It doesn't represent a geographical area, rather a social class. In general, we can't say something is more or less proper in English because we lack an Academy of the English Language. This type of institution does exist in many countries and their functions are to regulate what is accepted or not in each language. So in English the rule of thumb is, if people use it and accept it, it is English (largely influenced by dictionary publishers). As to who invented English, well the truth is that nobody "invents" a naturally developing language. Some constructed languages (which have been invented) such as Esperanto are known. To understand the origin of English, we must consider that the development of the language was a combined effort of many different civilizations. English began in what is now known as the UK, and it derives from many different cultures, the Anglos, the Jutes, the Saxons, the Celts... Many words were borrowed form other languages such as Latin, Greek and French (even when the English language already had practical words with the same meaning). English was taken to America when it was colonized, however according to Bill Bryson, the language has changed and developed slightly differently on each side of the ocean and in fact American English has more similarities to what was originally taken to the continent than the English spoken in the UK nowadays.
2015-06-13 12:19 am
Ask this on yahoo uk and you will get the opposite answer
2014-12-16 2:33 am
There is nothing wrong with American English and I am sure for most Americans it will be proper but no matter what, English language originated in Great Britain and even though there are a number of accents in GB the general British English is the proper English, others like American or Australian English are mere developed copies of the same language, thus British English is the original language which in turn,also developed through centuries.
2014-02-26 8:54 pm
british english is the original language, it's the proper form
2012-05-12 8:18 am
Americans do speak proper English. Now it's true that the British tend to have a better command of the language than Americans, and a Briton being interviwed on television can often be fascinating and intersting to listen to in ways his American counterpart is not, however this doesn't mean that American English is any less "proper" than British English from a grammatical point of view -- if you get the picture. (I am an American and live in Seattle. One of my nieces lives in England and is married to an Englishman).

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