
2012-05-12 3:50 am
'He is the love of my life': Mother's inspiring YouTube video about son born with severe cleft palate that left him with no eyes

Scroll down for video
Support: Since uploading the video she has received hundreds of messages from well-wishers, she said

Its a shame that we cant tell how nasty some people are going to be as adults before they are born...That's when an abortion is needed. Beautiful Video and beautiful little boy!
- Liz T, London, 11/5/2012 12:02
What a cutie :o) that lovely smile brightened my day.
- Samantha, Cardiff, 11/5/2012 12:07

回答 (2)

2012-05-12 12:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
“他是我一生的摯愛”:母親的鼓舞人心的YouTube視頻99.999% 絕大部份母親的美德, 肚生母長, 切肉不離皮, 系你既就系你既, 只要湊果個開心, 成長果個活得舒服, 结果都會是美滿完滿, 母愛偉大 !
2012-05-14 5:18 am
南無大慈大悲救苦救難觀世音菩薩 !


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