
2012-05-11 1:31 pm

After the project, I used my limit knowledge to finish the project. In the production process, I understand that I not enough technology to make the product. So, I need to hard learning and searching useful information. I also need to ask everyone about technology problems, including classmates and teachers. In addition, I feeling very hard to finish the project, like a one student to create the project. (其實我想諷刺我同組的partner不工作,我做到好累咁) The project developed my ability individual to work,technical and patience while I need to improve my cooperative with someone. I think I may be create a product in the future. Finish this project, it is a opportunity for me to practice creating a product. It is a good experience in final year.

回答 (3)

2012-05-11 4:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
After finishing the project, my knowledge has increased. During the production process, I realised that I did not have enough technical knowledge to make the product. Therefore I worked hard to learn and search for useful information. I also asked many people, including my classmates and teachers, about the technical problems. Doing the project was tiring as I felt like I was the only person in my group who actually worked on it. The project developed my ability to work individually, increased my technical knowledge, and improved my patience. One thing I still need to improve on is cooperation with my group members. I think I may create a product in the future. This project has given me an opportunity to practise creating a product. It was a good experience in my final year.

其實我唔係好明你第一句想講咩, 希望無改到你既意思!
technology係科技, technical knowledge係專業知識
咁你話not enough technology係想指咩呢?
如果個product係同 IT 有關既, 咁可以: IT knowledge / knowledge about IT
technical problems係技術上既問題, 如果你意思唔係咁, 可以: about the problems of......./ on..........
practice係名詞, practise先係動詞

2012-05-11 08:53:44 補充:
唔好意思, practise係英國串法, 美國都係用practice
2012-05-11 5:58 pm
As a complement to Dion's good work, the first sentence is to be rewritten as:

I finally managed to complete (finish) the project, albeit with my limited knowledge.
2012-05-11 5:43 pm
Regarding the project, I used my limited knowledge to accomplish it. During the process, I understood that I didn't have enough techniques to do the project. So, I needed to study hard for obtaining more information mainly from my classmates and teachers so as to overcome the technical problems. In addition, I felt very hard to accomplish the project, like a student to do the project. (其實我想諷刺我同組的partner不工作,我做到好累咁) By doing the project that'll develope my ability,technique and patience while improving my cooperation with others. I thought I might be able to do the project independently in the future. Of course, it was an opportunity for me to put my knowledge into practice and a good experience too.

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