Cold War is over, is it possible to have a nuclear free world? Is it desirable?

2012-05-11 5:51 am
Thank you!

回答 (12)

2012-05-11 5:54 am
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No it isn't.
What has been invented cannot be uninvented.
It is not desirable to attempt it.
2012-05-11 12:59 pm
I like the doomsday machine in Dr Strangelove.
2012-05-11 1:11 pm
Nukes aren't only used for war but also for energy, they're an incredibly valuable source of energy and with the current energy crisis they're not going anywhere. The problem is that as long as a country has a nuclear power plant they have the capability of turning it into a weapon. As long as other countries have the potential to use a nuke on you, you want eh potential to fire back.
2012-05-11 1:02 pm
The Cold War with the USSR has waned,but the Cold War with China,and with smaller nuclear seeking nations has yet to be put in full swing,especially regarding space weapons.If all nuclear weapons disappeared on Monday,China would probably embark on a war of expansion on Tuesday,starting with Taiwan.So nukes are still a deterrent to war.
2012-05-11 1:02 pm
It IS possible to have a nuclear weapons free world, but 4 billion people are going to have to die to achieve it.
2012-05-11 12:55 pm
I Belive that many think it would be deaireable except for the fact it most likely won't happen. Nuclear free would mean a lot more than just not nuclear explosive missiles( not the largest exploding bomb I might add that is the hydrogen bomb) but nuclear power is a efficient way to make clean power when done an harvested right. Islands an 3rd world countries could thrive with modern technology with out the pollution with nuclear power plants. I know people are skeptic seeing as chernoble and the recent Japan meltdowns but in the us we have plants and they do just fine . Now a nuclear weapon free world is probably better than just a nuclea free world .
參考: Uh me..
2012-05-11 12:55 pm
It isn't desirable.

The fact that we have nukes prevents many evil and rogue states from attacking us. I know that the guys who worship the ground that Ron Paul walks on as well as the libbies believe that if we quit consuming in the US, the commies and jihadists will quit wanting to attack us, but that is very far from realistic.

You do not want the US to be without nuclear weapons. I know that it is easy to believe that if we disarmed, others would follow our lead, but that would not happen. I find it to be highly unlikely that Russia, China, India and Pakistan would disarm. They aren't foolish...and we can't be.
2012-05-11 12:54 pm
It's possible but I highly doubt it's desirable.
Nuclear weapons are currently the strongest out there, so I doubt anyone would abandon it. And nuclear energy is the cleanest AND reliable energy as of now. The waste product is a problem but
1. It doesn't give off co2 like coal and gas
2. It's consistent energy unlike wind or solar
Wind and solar is cleaner but it can't power the world as of now
2012-05-11 12:53 pm
And for now......something completely different !
2012-05-11 12:53 pm
No way the world will be free of nukes until the entire charade collapses upon itself.
2012-05-11 12:53 pm
No, bc the fear of the other country having one is too strong... we will never get rid of them... ever
2012-05-11 12:53 pm
Just a little.

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