Should i beleive him on this?

2012-05-10 6:49 pm
my man came over lastnight, we were cuddling, then i notice his penis has on some bruise on the side of his penis,he said he scrach it and thats why its cut up like that,then he said if he had sex and it bruised it would be at the top, is that true

回答 (10)

2012-05-10 7:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Maybe he got a BJ from a chick with braces!
2012-05-11 1:58 am
I'm 49 years old, and I don't think my penis has EVER been bruised, and let me tell you, I've had sex literally thousands of times. I don't know what he's been doing, but whatever it is has to have been pretty weird to result in bruising!
2012-05-11 1:51 am
Does he have bruises or cuts? Its hard to understand what you are saying because your sentences make no sense.

I never seen a bruised or cut penis..sounds weird.
2012-05-11 2:07 am
Did he tell u how he bruised his penis?
Assuming he was with a woman could she have scratched it with her long nails?
2012-05-11 1:56 am
does having sex creates bruise on the penis? it takes a a doctor and an inspector to discover what has happened. any answer to this question could mislead you. you're the one who can examine his penis.
2012-05-11 1:55 am
NOPE. I would not believe him, not one single bit. A simple itch does not produce bruising nor does it cause him to be "cut up like that". He is not being truthful to you. I have been with the same guy for quite some time and this has never happened to him.

However, give him the benefit of the doubt and just keep a watchful eye on his activities for any suspicious behavior.
2012-05-11 1:54 am

Sorry, but he is lying, but its his, he can do whatever he wants, and so can you. Look, just protect yourself from him. Meaning use protection, dont let this "I want to be close to him" thing cloud your mind, a trojan will protect you from getting some STD.

Sorry and please try and not let this drive you crazy, if you let it? it will. Most of the time bruises are on the sides.
2012-05-11 1:54 am
What kind of sex is he having that's bruising his penis??!! Yeah, um your just going to have to trust him. I don't think there is any proof of cheating with a bruised penis. But if your gut is telling you something is up then just look out for other signs.
2012-05-11 1:53 am
No. But it doesn't mean some woman did it he could have done it.

Your pretty close to him to be looking close at his penis. So I hope your on birth control gf.
2012-05-11 1:51 am

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