why was i hearing cosmic sounds when i try to sleep?

2012-05-10 11:11 am
it was 4 o clock in the morning and i was about to go to sleep on my couch, when suddenly i was paralyzed, .but it wasn't the typical paralyzed i used to have, this one was kinda different, u see when i paralyzed i started to hear some cosmic sound, like some space sound, it was weird i know i was dreaming but this was really different in middle of this weird event i could feel myself floating, but i didn't wake up scared, i just woke up kinda confused, can somebody tell me what happened to me please im kinda confused

回答 (12)

2012-05-10 11:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is very common to experience that during sleep paralysis, a common and easily treatable problem.

Many perceptions associated with sleep paralysis (visceral buzzing, excited mental state,[22] presences, and the paralysis itself) also constitute a common phase in the early progression of episodes referred to as out of body experiences.[23]

2012-05-10 11:17 am
it was actually yo neighbor farting
2012-05-10 11:16 am
I heard a 'ringing' in my ear last night.. it was not normal at all. It sounded like it was coming from the sky. i say get ready people
2012-05-10 11:13 am
Yeah that was still a dream, just an unusual one.
2012-05-10 11:12 am
what were u on
2012-05-10 11:13 am
Its called a DREAM.
2017-02-21 3:21 am
from time to time. hard I hear music basically in the previous sleep. from time to time as quickly as I hear the voices i in my view attempt to make out what they are saying. If i will make it out nonetheless i many times ignore immediately. I dont comprehend why it happens yet your no longer by myself on your listening to stuff.
2012-05-10 12:33 pm
I hear dubstep. Drop that mad bass!
2012-05-10 11:16 am
Your cosmos is awakening, go to the Sanctuary.
2012-05-10 11:15 am
You had an "out-of-body" experience. It is not uncommon. Check up on astral travel etc. You'll be surprised.
2012-05-10 11:13 am
you were dreaming ...... or you are schizophrenic... or you are talking crap...........
2012-05-10 11:13 am
Among all the bull$#!t slung here, this one is bull$#!ttier than most.

edit: Sorry if that was too harsh. Do you have a neighbor with a Theremin?

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