
2012-05-11 3:38 am

"My beloved country is going down the toilet." - Shelia, Tennessee, USA, 09/5/2012 : Why?! Because of Gay Marriage? I don't think same sex marriage is the reason our country is going down the toilet honey. Our problems are much bigger than this. Actually, in my opinion same sex marriage is a non issue. It is not hurting anybody so everyone should focus on the more important issues such as healthcare, unemployment rates, or getting our troops out of the Middle East for example. - Chrissy, Ocean Springs, MS, USA, 10/5/2012 3:55 Nice story but it should be US citizens that help Obama decide. - Anne, Canada, 09/5/2012 20:35...It was US citizens...did you see the report? He credited conversations with his family, his staff and friends and neighbors. Changes of mind do evolve with the progression of society. That is exactly what happened here. No different that the end of child labor, the womens right to vote etc. - Louisa, Los Angeles, 10/5/2012 3:54 Its a logistics issue not a fair rights issue. It's about money. Insurance mostly, as well as death benefits. By making a radical change to the system it causes a upset in balance. We will all pay more for medical insurance, benefits, etc. etc. it can be worked out, but slower is better than faster obviously. If we had to count "dogs" as independents for example we could bankrupt our our insurance companies. Maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing. I'm all for equal rights but it has to be done in a fiscally responsible way.- J Cook, Sparks, NV USA, 10/5/2012 3:49

Historic: President Barack Obama is the first sitting US President to publicly support gay marriage. President George W Bush opposed it and President Bill Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage act into law

回答 (6)

2012-05-11 4:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
半數美國人支持?因為大量新移民改變了美國傳統教會的保守勢力分佈,純種白人又信耶蘇的人越來越少 ,相反少數族裔又不信耶蘇的人越來越多.
2012-05-12 2:30 am
1:11 他們有禍了.因為走了該死的【迷信】道路、又往自閉的錯謬裡直奔、並在背叛人性中滅亡了。

1:12 這樣的人、在人類的愛席上、與人類同喫的時候、正是自己玷污自己的「人性」、只知餵養自己、自卑、懼怕,是沒有雨的雲彩、被風飄蕩,是秋天沒有果子的樹、死而又死、連根被拔出來.

1:13 是海裡的狂浪、湧出自己可恥的沫子來,是流蕩的星、有墨黑的幽暗為迷信者永遠存留 。

2012-05-11 11:45 pm
1:11 他們有禍了.因為走了該隱的道路、又為利往巴蘭的錯謬裡直奔、並在可拉的背叛中滅亡了。
1:12 這樣的人、在你們的愛席上、與你們同喫的時候、正是礁石.〔或作玷污〕他們作牧人、只知餵養自己、無所懼怕.是沒有雨的雲彩、被風飄蕩.是秋天沒有果子的樹、死而又死、連根被拔出來.
1:13 是海裡的狂浪、湧出自己可恥的沫子來.是流蕩的星、有墨黑的幽暗為他們永遠存留 。

2012-05-11 5:41 pm

民測:多數美國人不信死後身體會復活Posted: 13th April 2006
13/4/2006由俄亥俄大學Scripps民測研究中心針對1007位成年人所做的調查顯示,只有36% 的美國人相信死後身體會復活,54%的人不信,10%的人不能決定。包括美南浸信會神學院長Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr在內的一些基督教領導,對此結果都感驚恐與氣餒。《復活:是神蹟或事實》的作者,英國國教主教John Shelby Spong說:我不知為何會有此結果;也許希臘不朽靈魂與身體復活的觀念已陳舊了!這真是有趣的民測,這不會令我驚訝。數據顯示:最近曾上教堂的一半人相信死後身子會復活,相較最近不上教堂的,只有1/4相信死後身子會復活

2012-05-11 09:43:56 補充:
2012-05-11 8:03 am

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