
2012-05-11 3:24 am
He also had a gun with which to defend himself.

這句子的grammar是否正確? 請詳細解釋。

回答 (7)

2012-05-13 5:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案

He had a gun with which to defend himself. = He had a gun to defend himself with.
只是將with移上前就要加which連接, 意思亦比較放重在 He had a gun.

這句子之前是不是在敍述他有的其他物件? 如果是, "also" 就合理了.
He had.........He also had a gun with which to defend himself.
這樣就是主要說他還有一把槍, 補充說明是用來自衛的
參考: 日積月累的英文閱讀和理解
2012-05-13 5:16 am
I agree with 小草, but can we just say: "He also had a gun to defend himself." ?
2012-05-11 11:12 pm
He also had a gun with which to defend himself.
這句 grammar 正確。

英文句子中,將 preproposition 放在 relative pronoun 前是普遍的。

“with which to defend himself” 是 phrase,所以只有 to infinitive 是可以的。

句子中的 also 並非文法不容許,但這句子不應獨立出現,應有「上文」去配合“also”。
2012-05-11 9:41 pm
He also had a gun with which he defended himself.

equivalent to

He also had a gun, he defended himself with the gun.
2012-05-11 7:42 pm
He also had a gun with which to defend himself.

Should read as following with same meaning:
He owns a gun which using to defend himself.

Note: also 這字在此單句中並無比較詞, 故不應用.

2012-05-11 13:15:13 補充:
Note: also 這字在此單句中並無比較詞, 故不應用.

He had a knife also had a gun to defend himself.

2012-05-12 10:40:57 補充:
小草( 大學級 1 級 )
100% agreed with your opinion. Best answer if posted.
參考: Self, self
2012-05-11 4:28 am
error and correction;-
He also had a gun(to defend himself) with.
=which is used to defend
=adjective clause(gun)
=used to give more information about the gun
=used to be exact usage about the gun that you mean
=to defend himself.
used in question Sir Winston Churchill once asked,
This is the kind of English up (with which) I'll not put.
2012-05-11 3:40 am
Which 之後應該先加Verb
所以應該是He also had a gun with which is to defend himself.

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