請幫忙翻譯做英文, 急, 謝謝.

2012-05-11 2:16 am
請幫忙翻譯做英文, 急, 謝謝.

貴司通知新訂單之交貨期要延長至6-8週, 我已向公司及客戶反映, 但不獲接納。按你所說, 貴司因為現收到客戶訂單數量已超過生產能力, 因而延長6-8週, 並會維持一段時間, 直到另行通知, 下半年重新報價時會註明。 按照我倆司所簽訂之合同, 交期是固定6週, 是不應更改。而且, 過去我司亦有提供訂單用量預測,現要求貴司能維持6週交期, 並按照訂單用量預測備留生產位置供給我司訂單。並建議及早找出合適方案, 儘快解決這問題。 如果貴司堅持交期是必須6-8週, 煩請貴司確認需要維持多久? 我亦需要向客戶詳細說明。而且, 我司亦因此對貴司之發票付款期相對作出延後。這也是逼不得已, 相信你亦會諒解。

回答 (1)

2012-05-11 5:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your letter dated xxx refers. As stated in your letter, the ordered quantity had exceeded your production capacity and requested an extra six to eight weeks to complete the order. You further confirmed that this situation would continue until further notification. Regretfully, both our customer and we are unable to accept this. According to what has been stipulated in the contract for delivery is six weeks and cannot be altered without compromise. It has been past practice that we notify you of our ordering quantity and request for reserve in production capacity before order confirmation to meet the six-week delivery schedule. Therefore it is your duty to sort out how we can manage this situation. If your do insist on an extra six to eight weeks for delivery, we must notify our customer beforehand, and for how long this situation will sustain. Consequentially, your payments will be postponed and hope you understand.

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