
2012-05-11 12:36 am
”You will feel just as bored watching the show.”

(A) 觀看那場表演會令你覺得一樣無聊.(B) 這會跟觀看那場表演一樣無聊.


回答 (5)

2012-05-11 7:53 pm
”You will feel just as bored watching the show.”


Note: 即是你還未去看, 而你朋友並不推介這表演.

參考: Self
2012-05-11 5:13 am
The similarity between the two sentences are the bored A, and the B thing.
(1) When you watch the show,it will make you feel just as bored as bored A.
(2)The B thing will be just as bored as watching the bored show.
------A is correct.
2012-05-11 2:03 am
(A) 觀看那場表演會令你覺得一樣無聊.
Watching the show will make you feel just as bored.
(B) 這會跟觀看那場表演一樣無聊.
This will be just as bored as watching the show.

C:I will feel bored not watching the show.觀看不到那場表演我會感到無聊。
D:You will feel just as bored watching the show.你觀看那場表演的話會感到一樣無聊的。
2012-05-11 12:49 am
即是話睇呢個 SHOW 悶到嘔咁解 !
2012-05-11 12:48 am

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