why Taiwan hate China mainland soo much ?

2012-05-10 1:00 am

回答 (12)

2012-05-10 1:52 am
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John offered a pretty good summary. I'll add:

The Chinese Civil War has never officially come to an end.; no peace accord or treaty has ever been signed. The shooting has stopped, but the spitting continues.

The ROC government on Taiwan are basically armed refugees from the Mainland who brought 2 million people to the island and took Taiwan by force against the wishes of the people here. However, the ROC has made substantial progress over the past 2 decades in the form of democracy, civil rights, and environmental protection.

The PRC government on the Mainland makes the audacious claim that THEY own Taiwan and its people, even though, by all standards of accepted international law, they have no legal grounds for claiming it. They use blackmail, bribery, and threats to force other countries to sever ties with the ROC government and agree with the PRC's position in order to avoid inciting China's anger.

Taiwanese see Mainlanders as "brainwashed militant bullies", because they behave that way.
Mainlanders see Taiwanese as "renegade traitors to the Motherland", which is about the same as saying "a zebra is a renegade water buffalo".

Not much room for peaceful dialogue to develop under those difficult conditions.

So, the two governments continue playing their poker game, each expecting to walk home with all the chips. Meanwhile, the gentle people of both countries are wondering why their politicians are such idiots.
參考: WNL
2012-05-10 3:09 am
I am not Taiwanese but if I was it would be easy for me to say. If you held a gun on me and threatened me everyday with aggression I would become ill at you and get tired of your threats. This is like the way the CCP does Taiwan. The CCP claims to own Taiwan but it has NEVER owned Taiwan. This right off the bat makes you think you are dealing with a mentally retarded person. China gave up any and all claims to Taiwan in the 1890's but the mentally retards in the CCP can not understand this. Then you add the fact the CCP points weapons at Taiwan and threatens them the same way North Korea threatens South Korea. Now if you live in Taiwan you think the CCP and North Korea have the same mentality. If living in Taiwan I would be upset at some stupid retarded person always running off at the mouth. I would think "somebody give this lunatic some Thorazine (chlorpromazine) fast!" I would not say hate would be the feelings for the CCP but I do think I would be tired of the local idiot talking all the time.
參考: AG
2012-05-10 3:35 am
We don't teach, nor encourage hatreds.

It's a bad feeling when you see:

. Gross violation of human rights for over 60 years.

. Teach their own kids falsified history and hatreds towards others (keep CCP in power).

. 1,400 missiles aiming at Taiwan.

However, for years, when PRC got major natural disasters, people in Taiwan always donate for disaster relief. For years, people have donated to build Hope schools in PRC. The total donations to PRC from Taiwan has been way more than the other way around.

People in Taiwan enjoy freedom and human rights. People can judge for themselves and not everyone has the same view.
2012-05-10 2:29 am
First, second and third Taiwan strait crisis are good enough reasons to.
2012-05-10 10:38 am
Generalize much?

Have you met all 24+ Million Taiwanese people? If not, how can you generalize that Taiwan as a nation hates China?

Clearly your head has been in a hole. If anything, the past 4 years, the Taiwanese government has shown so much willingness to work alongside China in regards to trade, economy and tourism across the Strait.

My family visits China at least 6 times a year for pleasure and for business. I think many Taiwanese people recognize the economic possibilities in China as labor is still cheaper than Taiwan and the labor laws there are more lax. We also recognize that China has so much history and culture. I mean it's amazing it's a country with so much diversity.

I think as much as we acknowledge the benefits we can have by having more lax and open relations, we also wish that China would lay off the whole "you belong to us" muscle flexing and the missiles aimed towards us. We don't need the constant reminder that yes China's military could easily squash Taiwan if the US didn't intervene. I think Taiwanese people wish China's government would just lay off the issue and enjoy the symbiotic relationship.
2012-05-10 1:56 am
I have no idea but why does mainland hate Taiwan so much.
2012-05-10 1:05 am
Because Taiwan Used to be a part of China. China was ruled by Chiang kai-shek until 1927 when the communist party of China (lead by Mao Zedong) overthrew the nationalist party with the militaristic support of the Soviet Union. The United states supported Chiang and the nationalists but they were cornered in Taiwan and the communists took over the mainland. The US has made it clear it would support Taiwan in the event that China attempts to take it over. The war ended in 1950.

The war is commonly called the War of Liberation by the Chinese and the Counter-insurgency war against Communism by the Taiwanese.
2014-09-29 3:53 am
I'm sure you are not a TAIWANESE, please get back to your country(People's republic of Chia) than shut up. Most of the Taiwanese hate Chinese because they are disgusting / low level / suck-***.
2016-06-20 7:39 pm
I hate China they attacked Taiwan and Tibet!!!
2015-07-24 1:29 am
SIMPLE: Taiwan wants be become a country and with China there they cannot.
and BTW Taiwanese people do consider themselves as Chinese, they just distinguish themselves from mainland China, and why hate China? they have been brain-washed to be like that and they consider themselves as a nation and of course, other than political issues think about the economical benefits if they really declared themselves as a nation, its always about the MONEY

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