如何知道自己是行緊好運定衰運 ?

2012-05-09 12:32 am
如何知道自己是行緊好運定衰運 ?

好運 / 順景又是否真的是好事 ?

回答 (3)

2012-05-09 9:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案

unlucky person, jinx, unlucky fellow, unlucky girl, Mr Unlucky

How can know now is not bad luck? › › 怎樣才能知道現在是不是運氣不好?

If “luck is preparation meets opportunity” and “chance favours the prepared mind”, then ... There is a difference between bad luck and choosing to live in a known ...
How to Reverse Bad Luck | eHow.com

Here’s how to improve your fortune


Are you one of those people who are always suffering setbacks? Does little ever seem to go right for you? Are you dogged by constant instances of sheer bad luck? Do you sometimes feel that the universe is out to get you?Let me let you into a secret: your luck is no worse—and no better—than anyone else’s. It just feels that way. Better, still, there are two simple things you can do which will reverse your feelings of being unlucky.Stop believing that what happens in your life is down to the vagaries of luck, destiny, supernatural forces, malevolent other people, or anything else outside your self.

Psychologists call this “external locus of control.” It’s a kind of fatalism, where people believe that they can do little or nothing personally to change their lives. Because of this, they either merely hope for the best, focus on trying to change their luck by various kinds of superstition, or submit passively to whatever comes—while complaining that it doesn’t match their hopes. Most successful people take the opposite view. They have “internal locus of control.” They believe that what happens in their life is nearly all down to them; and that even when chance events occur, what is important is not the event itself, but how you respond to it.
Your locus of control isn’t genetic. You learned it somehow. If it isn’t working for you, change it. Remember that whatever you pay attention to grows in your mind.
參考: 如何知道自己現時是否運滯 ?How do I know whether I am lucky lag?
2012-05-09 7:15 pm






網址: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/applexie123/560749


2012-05-09 2:01 am
如何知道自己是行緊好運定衰運 ?

好運 : 財寶福祿無庸費力悉皆降臨 , 心想事成力能支配他人心意 ,

三界鬼神任由差遣悉作僕役 , 萬事勝意於所作事現稱意相 。

好運 / 順景又是否真的是好事 ?

「可許則許 」一書有詳盡解釋


遭劫未必是禍 喪子未必是凶 病痊未必可喜延壽未必可賀 得財未必是福 家難未必不幸謀事得成未必可慶 謀事不成未必可悲






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