右手斷了 簽不了名 因此 開不了銀行的 保險櫃 怎樣辦﹖

2012-05-08 7:01 am
我租了一間銀行的 保險櫃10年 以存放貴重物品,

而 開保險櫃 是需要 [銀行所給的那一條 特製 鎖匙]


因此 交不出 親筆簽名,

回答 (1)

2012-05-08 11:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good question.

The signature is not absolute to open the safe.

The bank will definitely need your ID to confirm your identity. As soon as the bank confirms your identity and your condition, the bank can still open the safe for you, providing you still have the key.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 22:51:32
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