"算係啦" 英文

2012-05-07 6:10 am
"算係啦" 英文可以點講???

回答 (7)

2012-05-08 3:01 am
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"算係" 英文

算係regard as, be regarded as算佢係學生regard him as a student佢算係學生He is regarded as a student如果你已經畢左業 但係去左讀COURSE 咁都"算係"學生 If you have graduated but then study a course, you are still regarded as a student.
都可以話係-can also be regarded as
附帶一提:sort of 某類/類似sort of student某類/類似 學生

2012-05-08 11:51:13 補充:
都可以話係學生-can also be called a student

2012-05-08 13:25:29 補充:
另一譯法,直譯算做count都得,算係count as, be counted as。
"算係"學生 - be counted as a student
2012-05-07 7:12 pm
You have graduated already but you are taking a course now.

Wonder if you can still be considered as sort of a student. 咁都"算係"學生? ~ 懷疑, 有問號?
Well, you can be considered as sort of a student. 都可以話係
2012-05-07 4:46 pm
"sort of " students are quite correct after I got a degree (graduated).
I'm taking course now.
2012-05-07 2:14 pm
Dion is correct. "算係啦" can be "kind of" or "sort o".

"我已經畢左業 但係去左讀COURSE
咁都"算係"學生" can also be translated as:
"I have graduated, but I went on to take courses, so technically speaking, I can still be considered a student."
2012-05-07 12:40 pm
2012-05-07 9:51 am
口語可以簡單咁話: sort of 或 kind of
如想詳細解釋, 可以話: I've graduated, but you can still call me a student because I'm studying a course........
參考: 英國生活
2012-05-07 6:29 am
so-soKK [ˋso͵so] DJ [ˋsəusəu]看漢科技提供總算過得去的; 不好也不壞的definitionexamplerelated expressiona. 形容詞總算過得去的; 不好也不壞的 ad. 副詞總算過得去; 馬馬虎虎地

2012-05-06 22:30:46 補充:

2012-05-12 21:38:39 補充:

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