*How can I extract recorded radio streams from RTHK websites?

2012-05-05 5:08 pm
Hi, I'm trying to find a way to rip recorded radio shows off the Chinese radio site RTHK, and turn them into audio files. My mom likes listening to their programmes, but wants to listen to them on her iPod whilst out and about. Unfortunately the website is making it very difficult as it's pumping the recorded shows via either a WMP or Real Player plugin (I don't get the Chinese and WMP and Real, but that's another story for another day.)

An example of where you can listen to those recordings: http://programme.rthk.hk/channel/radio/programme.php?name=radio1/Free_as_the_wind&d=2012-05-08&p=3173&e=&m=episode

Can anyone help and recommend solutions or software??? She's using a Windows machine.

Many Thanks

回答 (1)

2012-05-05 7:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you will have to stream the tracks and record them in real time using either Audacity running in the background (you will also need the LAME mp3 plug in) or Freecorder from Applian as a browser add-on.

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