goes a long way with me

2012-05-05 8:02 am
goesa long way with me中文意思

回答 (4)

2012-05-05 4:49 pm
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goes a long way with me 中文意思:


2012-05-05 08:54:02 補充:
A little encouragement goes a long way with me.

2012-05-05 14:32:50 補充:
"goes a long way" 和 "goes back a long way" 有一個完全不同的含義。
e.g. "she goes back a long way with me" 解: [我和她可以追溯到很久以前]。
參考: my past learning
2012-05-05 9:40 pm
因為沒有subject關係 所以 比d例句你
She goes a long way with me
2012-05-05 4:39 pm
go--with==(1) accompany:i.e. I'll go with you;(2)take the same view as;i.e. I can't go with you on that;(3)be a normal accompaniment of ; i.e. Five acres of land go with the house;Disease usually goes with squater,but it is wrong to say that crime always goes with poverty;(4)match; be fitting or suitable with;i.e.These new curtains don't go well with your Persian rugs; I want a hat to go with this dress;(5)( colloq.,of a young man or gril) be often in the company of (with a view to marriage);i.e. go with a girl; go without (endure the lack of);i.e.The poor boy often had to go without supper; There's no money for a holiday this year.(we'll have to go without holiday);
She goes a long way with me==她與我的認識相距甚遠或不夠深刻。
參考: 部份資料根據香港牛津大學出版社的現代高級英漢雙解辭典
2012-05-05 8:04 am
意思是指 跟我去走很長的路...
參考: 自己

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