
2012-05-05 11:28 pm
我們必須告知您 你的帳號目前是無效的


We need to inform you that your account is invaild now.


附加一句 他們對於行程有些疑問 但是描述的不太清楚 they have question about schedule but not describe clear 後面不夠清楚 是要用clear 還是 clearly?

回答 (4)

2012-05-05 11:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1、We need to inform you that your account is invaild now.
→這句我認為不需加NOW,算是多此一舉。need to 也可用have to,其他的部分是OK的。

2、they have question about schedule but not describe clear
→可改為They have some doubt for the schedule.But the description is not clear.{疑問的英文是doubt,而question是"問題"。 but not 後接名詞description才對。


參考: 我
2012-05-11 12:23 am
We feel sorry to inform you that your account is not available at this time.
They doubt about the schedule but can not describe it clearly.---------

2012-05-06 12:53 pm
need to 是需要,have to是須要,兩者是有分別的。“目前”應該是"at the moment"或"currently"而不是"now"。

>>> 我們必須告知您 你的帳號目前是無效的
We're sorry to inform you that your account is currently invalid.

2012-05-06 05:05:23 補充:
普通疑問用question即可,doubt是指你認為這個schedule有錯誤之處所以感到奇怪有疑問。形容"describe"應用副詞"clearly",雖然"clear"本身也是副詞但不是用在這種情況下。冠詞要小心,"they have a question"或"they have some questions",不要只說“they have question"。

2012-05-06 05:08:51 補充:
>>> 他們對於行程有些疑問 但是描述的不太清楚
They have some problems about the schedule but they haven't made it clear what they(the questions) are.
2012-05-06 2:40 am

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