
2012-05-05 12:32 am
我同一個人發生口角之爭,他不斷以粗口罵我 包括(嘟街,問候我媽媽,等等) 我說了一句 『打我啊!』
他便來勢兇兇,衝向我 一手渣著我手臂 另一手示以揮拳姿勢 被我阻止. P.S渣著我的手臂引致"魚"了
這樣我可唔可以告他 刻意傷害他人身體! 或其他

事隔一天, 他都是以粗口相待 , 我好憤怒 便動手打了他4下. (肚一下,背部3下),
本身佢地話要報警, 但唔知點解最後無報
後來他爸爸帶了他去 看醫生 和 驗傷 ,,, 報告是沒有什麼事!

事隔多天時至今日, 佢爸爸同我講話要支付果 8000幾蚊驗傷費
但係錯不在我一個,, 我又唔想比

若果報警的話, 我換取的後果是什麼?
他爸爸現在想我給驗傷費. 金額不少 我不想比 因為他兒子都有整魚我
他不斷說的粗口 包括性的 我可以告他性騷擾嗎?
他把我手臂整"魚",我沒有驗傷, 但是我給了老師看 和 很多同學能作證.


回答 (4)

2012-05-08 2:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
i suggest you should refer your case to professional lawyer.

If you refer the case to Hong Kong police Force, I would say that it is highly possible for both of you to be charged with the crime 'Fighting in Public Places'. According to the Hong Kong Law Chapter 245, Public Order Ordinance, Section 25,Any person who takes part in an unlawful fight in a public place shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of $5000 and to imprisonment for 12 months.

Based on your background, you may have a heavier legal liability.

Besides, you should deny his father's remedial request. Remedial practice shall only be incurred if there is an unilateral legal liability or unilateral mistake. From your description, both of you hold the legal liability to the issue. Hence, you shall deny the remedial request and turn to professional lawyer. I guess your legal representative will help you lessen your legal liability by saying that you are under provocation.

I hope the above help you out a bit.

2012-05-08 17:53:35 補充:
Hong Kong Law Chapter 212 Section 8 is not applicable in your case as you are not killing someone by misfortune.

Hong Kong Law Chapter 220 Section 101A is not applicable in your case as you are not exercising your civil rights to 'arrest' someone.
參考: Myself
2012-05-05 4:30 am
法律係有比市民自衛既權利 但係如果人地打左你一拳你就停手 你就不可以打番佢,因為咁樣就係報復而非自衛了。



(1) 任何人於防止罪案時或於進行或協助合法逮捕罪犯或疑犯或非法地不在羈留中的人時,可使用就當時環境而言屬於合理的武力。
2012-05-05 12:43 am

如果佢郁你先 你再打佢 都可以話係自衛
參考: 路過.....
2012-05-05 12:40 am

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