西方的stuffing都是把火雞殺了之後再填料, 我再怎麼看都覺得不適用於教育方式的描述, 用[duck-stuffing education]在Google搜尋, 結果多半不是native speakers寫的網頁.
2012-05-06 09:41:40 補充:
填鴨一詞多半翻為[cram], 不過您去Wiki查看就知道, 它跟我們所說的意思並不相同.
... the practice of working intensively to absorb large volumes of informational material in short amounts of time. It is often done by students in preparation for upcoming exams.
2012-05-06 09:42:12 補充:
中文的填鴨式教育, 意指不求甚解, 生吞活剝, 死背的教育方式. 英文比較適合用[unidirectional education], 相對的就是[interactive education], 教與學之間有互動, 自然具有啟發作用. 所以不見得非照字面翻譯不可.
2012-05-06 09:42:31 補充:
The education style in Taiwan tends to be unidirectional, providing students with the only "standard answer," as opposed to the more interactive/inspiring, multifaceted western one.