
2012-05-04 10:57 pm
台灣的教育方式比較偏向於 "填鴨式教育" 答案只有一個。

回答 (6)

2012-05-05 4:03 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. 解釋型
Education in Taiwan is largely force-feeding students with ready-made teaching materials, all questions having only one correct answer. In contrast, education in the Western world is more inspiring and varied.

2. 無需用cramming, stuffing, force-feeding 來解釋. 如果對方是英美國家的人,而且知道 cram-schools 為何。那根本這個詞拿出來就通通通曉了。cram-schools 已經點出填鴨性質。Education in Taiwan is just like cram-schools only teaching students how to answer single-choice questions mechanically. In contrast, education in the Western world is more inspiring and versatile.
2012-05-06 11:08 am
很巧的,“填”鴨的“填”在英文裡確實是有相對應的字stuffing; 是不過他們的stuffing 主要是填火雞,而不是鴨子。因此“填鴨式”應該可以翻成duck-stuffing type (填鴨做名詞用);或是stuffing-duck type (填鴨做動詞用).

2012-05-06 03:08:24 補充:
嘗試翻譯如下:Taiwanese type of education favors the duck-stuffing type that expects one and only official answer; whereas western types are more thought provoking and multi-dimensional.
2012-05-05 11:21 am

2012-05-06 12:00:59 補充:
英語系國家確實沒有 "填鴨式教育" 這個詞語。
小弟初看到這提問時,心想,"填鴨式教育" 這個名詞含有貶意,為何華人社會卻甘之如飴,如此嘲諷自己。搜尋網路,也只說是俄國教育家凯洛夫(N.A.Kaiipob,1893-1978)最先提出。此人執蘇維埃政權教育的鞭弭,思想教育是其中重要的一環。

維基百科稱其為 "應試教育",源自於 "科舉應試" 的傳統。顯然有人希望用 "應試教育" 取代 "填鴨式教育" ,可惜 "強逼餵食" 的影像在腦中過於鮮明,深入人心。

2012-05-06 12:08:05 補充:
"填鴨" 的 "填" 並非純然指烹調時填塞香料,而是於餵養時採用灌食(force-feeding)餵養家禽,冀求於短期內長的肥美,便於宰殺。

西方人談到中國的教育方式和人才養成,直接翻譯 "填鴨式教育" 為 "stuffed duck",也不需要加註源自北京烤鴨的飼養方式。因為 duck-stuffing 或 force-feeding 的概念對西方人並不陌生。

2012-05-06 12:09:01 補充:
A recent report from the McKinsey consulting firm, “China's Looming Talent Shortage,” pinpointed the alarming consequences of the country's so-called “stuffed duck”...

2012-05-06 12:09:47 補充:
如同dumpling,在中國稱為餃子,在其他國家各有其不同的型式花樣和名稱。"duck-stuffing" 或 "stuffing-duck" educational methodology, 未來可能和中式教育如影隨形,甚至成為中式教育的標籤名稱。畢竟每個人都有戲謔他人的慾望,更何況 "填鴨" 是中國人自己冠上的名稱。
2012-05-04 11:25 pm
Taiwanese education tends to be of cramming nature which often feeds children with one and only one answer, while Western education tends to be more inspirational and diversified.
2012-05-08 2:27 am

看到諸位賢達的講解才明白,照字面翻,原來填鴨其實是==> 填火雞的意思^^
意譯==>應該是壺圇吞,死背, 硬記。當然也是聯考的產物,一切只為考高分!
2012-05-06 5:40 pm
西方的stuffing都是把火雞殺了之後再填料, 我再怎麼看都覺得不適用於教育方式的描述, 用[duck-stuffing education]在Google搜尋, 結果多半不是native speakers寫的網頁.

2012-05-06 09:41:40 補充:
填鴨一詞多半翻為[cram], 不過您去Wiki查看就知道, 它跟我們所說的意思並不相同.
... the practice of working intensively to absorb large volumes of informational material in short amounts of time. It is often done by students in preparation for upcoming exams.

2012-05-06 09:42:12 補充:
中文的填鴨式教育, 意指不求甚解, 生吞活剝, 死背的教育方式. 英文比較適合用[unidirectional education], 相對的就是[interactive education], 教與學之間有互動, 自然具有啟發作用. 所以不見得非照字面翻譯不可.

2012-05-06 09:42:31 補充:
The education style in Taiwan tends to be unidirectional, providing students with the only "standard answer," as opposed to the more interactive/inspiring, multifaceted western one.

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