
2012-05-04 4:09 am
宜家f.4了,一直都冇話點學/溫習英文,都係上完堂就算,但係2年到就要考DSE啦,近期升到f.4之後發現d考英文模式同難度都唔同左啊,reading冇得溫,而且d字每隔幾個又唔識,作文又唔合格....(字數夠,但老師話我weak in gramma 每句都比佢紅筆圈住/改返第2d字),listening d人講得比f.3的時候快很多,好似一兩嘴咁,就算聽得切都唔知佢講緊乜.宜家都開始驚2年後會點.








回答 (8)

2013-04-06 6:50 pm
2012-05-12 10:05 am
Before you even get started, you need to have the "can do" attitude. If you keep using excuses "I don't have time for this" and "I don't want to do that," you will spend the rest of your life finding excuses.~ Invest in Yourself ~
讀 -- Read books. You can find all kinds of books in the library. Read the easy ones first. Use the dictionary for words you do not understand. It is OK to read books with words & pictures. It is OK to read the same book several times.
聽 -- Listen while you are watching the English channels on TV. The pictures on the TV will help you understanding what you are hearing. It is OK to watch cartoons. (Actually, they are the best.) Watch documentaries. Watch the news. You will not learn from the music channels (they do not always use proper English.) You will not learn from the sports channels (they talk too fast for learners.)
寫 -- Practice writing.
抄書 -- Copy a paragraph a day from the books that you read.
作文 -- Start writing diary in English. Write at least something every day. Use spell and grammar check (as with a word processor.) Do not worry if your writings are good or not. No one will see it. No one will care how much you write in your diary. Post your questions in English. You will not learn until you force yourself to practice.
講 -- Practice speaking.
唸書 -- Recite a paragraph a day from the books you read.
會話 -- Talk to your friends/sisters/brothers/parents/teachers in English. (Real friends will help you to better yourself. 只有酒肉朋友不會幫你學習英文。) Talk to yourself in front of the mirror. Record yourself speaking. Play it back to yourself. (You can send phone messages to yourself; use digital camera/recorder, media recorder on computer, Web cam, tape recorder, etc.)
Do these every day for at least a year. (Not just for several days, few weeks or couple months.) I guarantee your English will improve. If your English does not improve, tell me about it. In English, of course.
參考: 根據yahoo智識網以前作者的專文資料
2012-05-09 11:00 pm
中國人說外語26論兒所說 ? ?

Zi You Xuan Wen Ti Suo Ren Qu Pian Ou Na Mei Li Ke Ju
He Ge Fang Er Da Ci Ben An 23

2012-05-09 15:13:07 補充:
5 6 4 1 1 (86) 10
An English Identity Of Unidade 26
An Espanol Identity Of USA 51 + 52 + 53 + 54 + 55 =巴西外文
參考: 基本答案于23新華字典裡, 教育局2012基本法
2012-05-08 7:25 am
歡迎把英文文章電郵至[email protected],由英藉教師專業修改文章,以最有效快捷方式改善英文改作,亦有英文口語補習班,歡迎電郵查詢。
2012-05-07 1:31 pm
多查字典, 除了可以學到英文字, 還可以學到文法, 但要仔細地看每一個解釋, 同一個字在不同的情況可以有不同的意思, 不同的形態又有不同的用法, 多看多記一定會有進步! 最好不要看中文解釋, 英文解釋其實更清楚貼切!
可以從現在開始多看英文, 選一些自己有興趣的東西來看, 有不懂的字就查字典! 又可以每天選兩三個英文生字來記, 有例句會比較易記!
文法進步了, 懂的字多了, 對listening自然會有幫助, 有時間多聽英文, 例如看西片, 當然更好!
2012-05-05 12:55 am
2012-05-04 4:45 am
聽你講完, 好像你的"根基"打得不是很穩~
我會建議你先打好根基, 先從BASIC學起~
你現在F.4, 我建議你由小一學起,
可能你會覺得小一D野都幾幼稚, 但5分鐘都會睇哂= =
作用係比你有一個CONCEPT你, 由小一到現家, 學左D咩~
小一, 2, 3,.....去到F.4, 最好睇咩仲有D咩未學, 字數有限.......
網上資源, EXERCISE, 補習.....
2012-05-04 4:23 am
在聆聽方面,D西人講野聽唔切係因為佢地有好多連音。在圖書館搵Audio book黎聽下,內咗就會慣。



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