英文Grammar 高手請進

2012-05-04 3:56 am
1. Everyone who wants to can take part in the game.

2. I forget what is inside the refriegrator/refriegrators.

上述兩條問題,第一題有什麼不對,但有人話 can 的存在是正確的?
第二題,refriegrator 究竟用s還不用加s?

回答 (9)

2012-05-04 11:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1. Everyone who wants to can take part in the game.

Everyone who wants to take part in the game.
"Everyone" can take part in the game.
can take part可以參加
Everyone who wants to, can take part in the game.

Everyone who wants to take part in the game, can.

Anyone who wants to may take part in the game.

2. I forget what is inside the refriegrator/refriegrators.
refriegrator 究竟用s還不用加s?

2012-05-08 4:07 am
參考: ME
2012-05-07 5:25 am
Are these sentences correct?
Ahshing, who commented on the use of defining relative clause, got some support from Godfrey.
Everyone who thinks that the sentence is wrong may be wrong themselves.
Everyone who wants to comment can do so here.

2012-05-06 21:35:20 補充:

2012-05-06 21:55:55 補充:
2012-05-06 1:23 am

1. "who wants to" 這裡看來有點怪, 只係我地看唔慣這類省略句字。
如果看到上文下理, 就順眼得多。


All students are welcome to participate in this competition and there is no limit to the number of participants. Everyone who wants to can take part in the game.

"Everyone who wants to" = 任何有意參加的人, participate 係大家已知的動詞, 所以可以在此省略了 (無必要重複)。
可能由於報名的情況一向都不夠熱烈, 所以用個can字去強調「只要肯報名, 報名就一定被接受」。如果用may, 表示報名都有機會不被接受。

2. 放置入雪櫃的食物或者物品當為uncountable, 相信都合情理,
況且要問負責買的人才知道實際是甚麼東西, 又如何可以話這用法錯呢!

refrigerator加s亦無不可, 可能正因為廚房內有多個雪櫃 (或許是食肆中的廚房,
每一個都是比人還要高的大雪櫃), 忘記了裡面放置了甚麼亦不足為奇。
正因為這個原因, 忘記就更來得合情合理。
2012-05-04 10:05 pm
Start the complaint now:-
Everyone can take part in the game if conditional adverbial.
2012-05-04 1:23 pm
I agree with 意見者002.
"wants" 在句子中是 intransitive verb, 没有object. “who wants to” 用作 defining relative clause, 大有問題... want to do what?

“want to” 大多數是這樣用: want to + do + (something),
“want to” on its own can be used in this way:

Anyone can take part in the game if they want (to).
2012-05-04 8:39 am
It is correct to say: (using conditional adverb clause)
You can take part in the game if you want (to).
You can stay whenever you want (to).

However, it is not correct to use defining relative clause and say:
You who want (to) can take part in the game.

2012-05-04 00:45:48 補充:
Everyone who wants (to) can take part in the game. (wrong)
Everyone can take part in the game if he/she wants (to). (correct)
Everyone who has bought the ticket can take part in the game. (correct)

2012-05-04 00:56:26 補充:
However, it doesn't make sense to use "Everyone" as subject of the defining clause.
It'd better say:
Those who have bought the ticket can take part in the game.
2012-05-04 5:18 am
如果 XXX 是 can take part in the game, 那原句就變成
Everyone who wants to take part in the game can take part in the game.
Everyone who wants can take part in the game.
所以第一題把 to 拿掉應該也成立。
2012-05-04 4:23 am

首先我們要知一句子句(clause)必須有一個動詞,你的句子是複合句(complex sentence),複合句是由主句並從屬子句(subordinate clause)組成,如:

This is the man who came here this morning.
who came here this morning就是從屬子句

而你的句子的從屬子句是:who wants to take part i the game.

Everyone who wants to take part in the game XXX. (XXX是他要做的事,如:must complete the training course.)

2)既然你所指的是一件東西What is inside,所以refrigerator就不能有s

 但若句子是I forget what are inside the ...則兩者皆可


2012-05-07 17:12:55 補充:

得承認,可能我的英文造詣不足,以致我開始就認定"who wants to take part in the game"才是關係子句,而從未想過:who wants to是關係子句

若who wants to是關係子句的話,想全句必用了省略,即
Everyone who wants to (take part in the game) can take part in the game.

2012-05-07 17:13:09 補充:



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