第1次 我放左張瓦通紙係個磅下面
第2次 我拎走左張紙(即係個磅下面咩都無)
都係無紙個個既result > 有紙個個
我想問個source of error係咩?
個balance得出的result係depends on force exerts on it. if force acts on the balance increases,normal reaction acts on you increases,so the reading increases.
你既意思 係咪即係話"force acts on balance by you"唔係全部acts左落個balance到 有d acts 左落張紙到,所以 force acts on the paper + balance by you= force acts on paper by you+ force acts on balance by you(廢話= =) 而你既weight 係fixed,所以force acts on balance decreases 所以,normal reaction acts on u decreases,即係個reading decreases?
如果係咁,我有問題想問 If balance下面咩都無,得地板 force acts on space under you by you = force acts on balance by you + force acts on the floor by you 因為有air trapped in the paper,所以瓦通紙會吸左d力,咁個地板會唔會吸左d力?