enthalpy 和 單位

2012-05-03 11:03 pm
H = E + PV

H是否可以以kJ/mol 或 kJ為單位?

energy又可否以J/car、J/bomb、J/banana為非正式或正式的單位? 因為 1mol可被視為一單位的elementary entities of the substance的集合。 那么可否改為其他?

回答 (1)

2012-05-04 8:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
The unit for enthalpy is "Joule". "J/mol" (or kJ/mol) is a unit for "specific enthalpy".

"Mole" is a well defined unit in physics. It is a unit for mass, similar to "kg" or "g". The other qunatities that you mentioned, car, bomb, banana, are not proper units that have a clear and specific definition in physics. The mass of a car, a bomb or a banna do vary from individual to individual, and hence completely not suitable to be adopted as a unit for mass.

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