本來諗住自己做一兩野儲錢再讀, 但係錢儲得唔多, 仲想去working holiday...
始終都係想讀埋個degree好啲, 我想今年9月再讀返書, 所以有好幾個問題想知
1) 到底associate degree 係唔係讀top-up 適合啲? 可以借loan嗎?
2) How can I assure the quality of the top-up degree provided by different institutions?
3) Are there any other choices?
4) 我屋企唔肯比documents 申請grant loan, 我自己一個申請可以嗎? (已經沒同屋企一齊住over 1年)? 有咩extra procedures?
5) 借左幾十萬non-mean loan, 其實畢業後要點還?
6) non-mean利息好似幾高下, 會唔會畢業後變左要還好多好多錢?
其實我一同屋企講grant loan, 佢地好反對, 又冇錢比我讀, 我到依加都唔明government loan (esp. non-mean) 點計算, 點運作等等...
希望有詳細啲ge解答,如果情況ok就quit & enroll for the new programme in 09/2012
Thank you!
補充 1) 果啲programme都冇part-time, 全部係full-time 2) 我依加份工 工作時間完全上唔到any part-time course