Do you believe it is possible for a person's soul to be so flawed that they are incapable of being loved?

2012-05-03 6:45 am
If so, do you know how to undo such flaws? Please don't preach. The "power of prayer" doesn't do squat for my situation because god truly does hate me. The reason I ask is because I have determined through my own life experience that it is indeed possible. I'm not looking for pity, just a possible solution to a problem. Thank You.

Okay. This question is not about whether or not a god exists. It is also not about some people who are so obnoxious that they are difficult to love. It's about the possibility that by design they are incapable of being loved, and ways of circumventing such a design flaw.

回答 (7)

2012-05-03 6:52 am
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Yes its possible - but I also think it is possible to feel compassion for such a person - no matter how hard it is, we can try to understand why they are so flawed.

Maybe they had a very difficult upbringing emotionally - which can also mean too much ease and comfort - and not enough discipline or support from their parents.
2012-05-03 6:49 am
No, if YOU can't love a soul, that's your problem.
2012-05-03 6:50 am
It is hard to love some people, but somebody always seems to love them anyhow.
2012-05-03 7:21 am
No one is unlovable.

As for how to "fix" yourself, I don't know what the problem is, so I can't give advice on it. If you're just obnoxious, though, I wouldn't worry about it-believe me, obnoxious people find love, too. Sometimes they even become famous for being obnoxious, lol.
2012-05-03 6:58 am
I don't believe in souls, so, no by default I guess. God doesn't hate you, God isn't even real. If people don't love you because you have personal flaws, accept that and WORK ON your flaws rather than foisting it off on some kind of supernatural "oh my soul is so flawed that no one can love me". Get a therapist if it's that bad. And maybe you aren't even flawed at all, and you're just lonely and getting neurotic about it. In which case--just remember that confidence is attractive. Before anyone can love you, you have to love yourself.

I believe that as long as you try your best to be a good person, you will always find people who love you. Since you are a human being, I extend a platonic love towards you and I want the best for you. But you have to want the best for yourself too.
2012-05-03 6:55 am

The minute we judge others for their faults or shortcomings, we are displaying a similar shortcoming in ourselves. We don't have the knowledge to judge people accurately here. Only God knows the heart of man, and only God can judge perfectly. He knows our spirits; we see only temporary strengths and weaknesses. Because of our own limitations, we can seldom look into the heart of man.
2012-05-03 7:48 am
Psychopath: "a person who is unstable, insane, abnormally violent or unable to maintain normal social behaviour."

Sociopath: "a person who is unable to tell right from wrong and has extreme antisocial tendencies."

These are the two types of people that psychologists and psychiatrists consider "incapable of loving others or being loved". There is no such thing as being a person with these tendencies "by design". They are mental disorders.

By design, we are all created by God, whether you like it or not and whether you agree or not. God does NOT hate anyone. We are all his creation and whatever WE have "learned" in this life or have "followed" determines the quality of life we receive. That is not only a Biblical fact, it is also a scientific one.

It is not up to the human being to decide how to "circumvent such a design flaw", as you so sarcastically put it. People who have abnormalities, whether physically or in the mind, are born with them. My suggestion is that you see a psychologist or psychiatrist and have them help you deal with your personal issues.

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