
2012-05-03 1:36 am
被擅自修改瀏覽器 一日10幾次
後尾搵到有個file 應該係有毒軟件 DEL時彈出沒有權限刪除 DEL唔到
但我已經係管理員AC.. VISTA

仲有用IE上網 有個掃把標誌 大陸字寫住智能搜尋- - 點樣刪除?

回答 (3)

2012-05-03 11:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
下載一個叫完美卸載嘅軟件入面有個IE修復功能,至於果個搜尋器,到control panel嘅軟件列搵下有冇呢個程式然後卸載
2012-05-03 1:51 am
2012-05-03 1:51 am
Have any anti-virus software in your computer? I think you SHOULD check the computer with anti-virus software. If your computer haven't anti-virus software, you may download 'avast!' It's a good and easy-to-use anti-virus software. Please use!
Then, this is China virus and it's MORE difficult to solve the virus.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:39:50
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