2012-05-02 2:21 pm
根據PHYSICS 我地知e- orbital 中間既energy 係fixed 既
既然係咁, 我地用白光照d ion,佢會吸orbital中間既hf ,咁照計
白光個wavelength 個range 咁大,俾佢咁吸法應該只會係個
白光spectrum 裹面少左幾條line,但係書學既同我地見到既係
吸哂成個range既spectrum 好似(Fe(h2o)6)2+ 咁得番綠色俾我地睇到

回答 (2)

2012-05-09 12:18 am
Be careful.
When you look at the spectra of ions or atoms.

Some books are talking about emission spectrum
while some others may be talking about absorption spectrum.

You are right that the ions in concern may absorb just a few wavelengthes,
resulting in a whole range light spectrum with just a few black lines (those being absorbed). If you are looking at the absorption spectrum, this is the case.

However, if you are talking about the emission spectrum, and the ion is green in color, then the light up range can be wide.
2012-05-03 7:51 am
The spectral lines of the ion (Fe(h2o)6)2+ is most probably of frequencies outside those of the visible spectrum. In fact, continuous spectrum is usually produced by incandescent solids or liquids. Such spectrum is produced by molecular vibrations when they are excited.

Conversely, when white light passes through a solution containing (Fe(h2o)6)2+ ions, almost all of the frequencies will be absorbed.

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