who do you guys think is hotter Matt Bomer... or Ian Somerhalder? Just wondering.?

2012-05-01 9:56 pm

回答 (5)

2012-05-02 11:48 am
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Ian Somerhalder is the sexiest creature i've ever seen....matt bomer is handsome but ...ian is way hotter....oh that damn sexy eyes:DDD
2012-05-02 2:37 am
I want both....simultaneously!
I wouldn't kick either out of bed to be honest ;)
Unfortunately for us ladies Matt is gay :( but hey its okay to look right?
So I have a feeling Matt would be more into Ian than me! lol.
Im going to have to go with Ian on this one.
Ian is beautiful looking and in my mind my sexual plaything lol!
He just looks to me like he`d be great in the sack I mean just look at him! XD
參考: My Libido
2012-05-01 9:58 pm
IAN <3 <3
2012-05-01 10:05 pm
Matt's gay.
2015-06-20 9:10 am

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