2006 Chev Cobalt Loud Random Sound?

2012-05-01 8:22 pm
My 2006 car which I have had for almost a year. About 2 weeks ago I was pulled into a ATM and my car was in park and begin to make this loud rumbling sound and strong vibrations under the front passanger side flooring. I shut my car off and it stopped. I noticed my oil was only at 7% so I went to go get that changed right after. After this it still continued to make the sound. The sound lasts maybe 10-20 seconds. But if I "drive away from it" it goes away quite faster.

I have no idea what it could be. I asked the men at the Super Lube and they said it was the "pil moving around" and just starting up..... It does not take 2 weeks to get the oil moving around.

I have no idea what it could be there are under 65000km on it. The sound is very scary and random. Some days it does not even happen, others it happens every 3 minutes.

Any suggestions?

- I did get into an accident about 5 days before the sound. I was hit minorly from behind and my right front bumper did hit the curb. Could this be related?

回答 (2)

2012-05-01 8:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Cobalt never was a good car. That's why Chevrolet stopped building them. The accident might be part of this or it could be something else. The oil at 7%...hmm... the "oil life meter?"... maybe it means the oil was 93% dirty and oxidized- that meter doesn't tell how much oil there is in the engine, just when they calculate it should be changed. I'd not think old oil is the cause of your problem unless there also was thick sludge preventing the oil from flowing. Get the car to an GM repair shop where Mr Goodwrench can put it on the rack and shake things to see what's loose and rattling. They will want to fix that and everything nearby. That's what it's like owning a Cobalt and why they don't build them anymore. Good luck. It's too late to recommend a better choice of car, but come back and ask about that when you've had enough of your Chevy.

I have no idea what the guy mean about "pil moving around"- he probably doesn't have a clue. Super lube should not be allowed to do anything but change oil. Did you mean "oil moving around"? That would never make noise like you described. The guy doesn't know schit from shinola, if he said it was oil moving around.
2012-05-03 12:52 am
In my opinion, the local Chevrolet dealership would be the next step in getting your concerns diagnosed and resolved. I am sure they would be happy to assist you with your Cobalt. If you would like assistance with setting up an appointment please, let me know.

Michelle, GM Customer Service

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